Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Submissions needed!


What is your experience with dementia?

Do you have personal insights or a story to share? A book of creative expression that invites the reader to experience the insight, wisdom, courage, frustration and loss that is the journey of Alzheimer's and other dementias will be published in September 2015.

You are invited to submit:

·         Poetry

·         Essays

·         Humorous Anecdotes

·         Short Reflections

·         Art

·         Photography

This endeavor is a collaborative effort among caregivers, the afflicted, and those who care for and about them. The public is invited to send submissions for this hardcover book no later than October 1, 2014.

More than 5 million Americans are living with dementia, according to recent studies from the national Alzheimer's Association. The collective experiences of those who have traveled this path could be invaluable for those yet to encounter the disease.
All proceeds from sales of the book will benefit the programs of Memory Matters, a non-profit organization serving families affected by dementia in Hilton Head and

Bluffton, S.C.

 Written pieces should be no longer than 250 words. Photography should be submitted on a CD in high-resolution format.

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 1, 2014.   You may email submissions to or mail to Memory Matters, P.O. Box 22330, Hilton Head Island, SC 29925-2330.  Please include your name, address, phone and email address with your submission.

There is no guarantee that your submissions will be included. Submissions are subject to editing for style and length.  All submissions become the property of Memory Matters and will not be returned.  For more information call 843-842-6688.