Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Year's Promise

Blessings to one and all this Holiday season. As we end this year I reflect on so many sweet faces that have been mine to care for. I pray for each family still on the journey and those whose journey is coming to a close. My hearts desire is to never miss an opportunity to see the value in each and every one of our participants and to give them a feeling of pride in what they have accomplished in life. We laugh and joke a lot in our program room - but I never forget the other side of this journey -the forgetting side. My dream is that we will see an end to that in my life time-but until that "day of the cure" comes I promise to strive toward providing a safe haven of rest and joy for those I care for. I know our entire staff echo's these words. We are committed to excellence of care and service to all of our families and those diagnosed with any type of dementia. Blessings and see you in the New Year!

Cathee Stegall
Program Director

l to r Edwina, AshleyMelissa (Middle w Pink hat) Jeannie, Cathee, Karen (and Daniel!)

Friday, December 19, 2014


We had fun decorating cookies in the kitchen today! Thanks Barb W. for bringing in the goodies. The ladies made them and the fellas ate them. We were laughing and feeling right at home.

We had pre- made sugar cookies, icing ready made, and sprinkles. Easy and fun!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

2014 Candlighting Event

Edwina Hoyle, Executive Director of Memory Matters, giving the opening speech during the 2nd Annual Commemorative Candle Lighting Ceremony.
" Memory Matters  in cooperation with the Alzheimer's Foundation of America  illuminated Hilton Head Island,SC with "candles of care" in expression of solidarity. Raising awareness, honoring, and remembering those who have been affected by Alzheimer's."


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Art Show photos!

THANK YOU to all who helped, attended and made it happen.  It was a great success and we raised over $10,000 net!! WOOHOO!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Art Journaling

Art Journal pieces produced in one of our support sessions show the range of emotions we all as caregivers feel. Using simple magazine cutouts along with words, ripping and tearing paper , pasting and cutting it is a very freeing art therapy. Here are some links to try...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

In the News!

Great story about the memory Matters organization...just click and go
In the News!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Art show revealed!

I am excited to reveal the date and time of our 15th annual art event ; Sept. 18th 2014, 6-9 pm.
We are going to have some amazing framed art pieces, ceramics as well as silent auction items. More info to come!
Jane and Barb working in the art room on ceramics for the show!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Submissions needed!


What is your experience with dementia?

Do you have personal insights or a story to share? A book of creative expression that invites the reader to experience the insight, wisdom, courage, frustration and loss that is the journey of Alzheimer's and other dementias will be published in September 2015.

You are invited to submit:

·         Poetry

·         Essays

·         Humorous Anecdotes

·         Short Reflections

·         Art

·         Photography

This endeavor is a collaborative effort among caregivers, the afflicted, and those who care for and about them. The public is invited to send submissions for this hardcover book no later than October 1, 2014.

More than 5 million Americans are living with dementia, according to recent studies from the national Alzheimer's Association. The collective experiences of those who have traveled this path could be invaluable for those yet to encounter the disease.
All proceeds from sales of the book will benefit the programs of Memory Matters, a non-profit organization serving families affected by dementia in Hilton Head and

Bluffton, S.C.

 Written pieces should be no longer than 250 words. Photography should be submitted on a CD in high-resolution format.

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 1, 2014.   You may email submissions to info@memory-matters.org or mail to Memory Matters, P.O. Box 22330, Hilton Head Island, SC 29925-2330.  Please include your name, address, phone and email address with your submission.

There is no guarantee that your submissions will be included. Submissions are subject to editing for style and length.  All submissions become the property of Memory Matters and will not be returned.  For more information call 843-842-6688.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Come see our videos and new Web page.

 Take a peek at our website to see our amazing videos. We are so proud that
our program and its families have been spotlighted. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our amazing Student ...

A few months ago a very bright young lady came to Memory Matters to do memory research for a science project, she was quiet, reserved and a dynamo all in one. AND she won 1st place at the Science fair on Regional and State level for SC.
We are so very proud of her and will see more of her this summer as she volunteers with MM.
 This is our future!

Our Group of Marchers!

Opening ceremonies for the 46th annual RBC Heritage  happened Monday on Hilton Head Island. 
The ceremony and a parade  kicked off at noon at Liberty Oak at the Harbour Town Yacht Basin. Memory Matters was represented by our Director Edwina Hoyle and board members-along with two grandchildren of board member Ann C. Memory Matters is the PGA charity of the year for 2013 and is proud to be a part of this weeks RBC Heritage activities!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Games in the afternoon!

The guys and Ms. Elva playing dominos! PS she won!

The Gals working on their colored pencil techniques with Sara! Thanks Sara for being an amazing volunteer!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

a day of filming our place!

The PGA media trucks arrive and start to unload....8:30 am!

Filming was a day long adventure...lots of crew and lots of work!
The crew gets a lunch break at 1:00...Pizza for everybody.

And it is a wrap! What a great day for Memory Matters as we put the finish on the commercial for the PGA .Thank you PGA for giving us the honor of National Charity of the Year!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Arm chair travels and art

We armchair traveled to Paris today and painted like the Masters. To get us in the mood we donned our hats, turned on our Parisian songs. We had images of the Eiffel tower, and flowers to inspire us and a few paintings by Monet scattered around the table. We had a blast! Everyone was engaged and the activity started our week off to a great start.
The Sullivan boys ready to paint masterpieces

Jane's version of the Eiffel tower-ooolala!

Nancy's flower garden

Roger seems very serious about his art class today! He was working on a beautiful painting with contrasting colors.

John and Nancy M. made us all want spring to be here!

The table hard at work!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Afternoon Fun

Mornings are very active at our club and by afternoon we settle in to a little cognitive game playing. 
A few of our afternoon friends playing crossword puzzles on the big screen. (See Below)

Elva getting her bridge lesson from some of our volunteers .
She was doing very well I hear!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

We have gone to the Dogs!

We had a very interesting doggy day at Memory Matters, it was Shammy's birthday and we celebrated it like all of our other birthday's with cake, balloons and laughter. The only thing is Shammy is a dog, a big dog, she is the "doggy niece" of our friend and volunteer Kerri. Kerri's BABY Onslo came along for the party, weighing in at 195 lbs, Onslo is one big boy!  We all had a great time and Shammy even received gifts. The best  part was watching our friend Joni connect with the dogs, Joni loves dogs and got right down on the floor to make Shammy feel right at home. What a great doggy day! Thanks to Kathleen, Kerri and Ron for sharing there big baby's with us.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Art work begins!

We love to practice our art skills here at the day program. A few weeks ago we experimented with pastels on dark paper and here are a few of the amazing results.
 It is so very healthy for us to be in community with each other as we work on our projects. We laugh together offer ideas to each other and just live in the moment. Art is our therapy!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Time to start our blog!

What better day to start our blog than the historic southern storm of 2014. As you all may know here on Hilton Head it was a lot of hype and a little bit of ice. But that is ok-we managed and now we all have stories to tell. AND that is what this blog will be stories of the joy and accomplishments of the amazing participants in our day programs at Memory Matters. We could talk about the storm of the disease itself - but we would miss the stories of the lives that are journeying through with great grace and joy. So be prepared in the coming months to be amazed, to laugh ,to follow along on this journey with us, one day at a time.